Bauernherbst opening
Bauernherbst opening

Direct from the farmer

From farm sales, farmers’ markets, farmers' shops

SalzburgerLand has the highest density of organic farmers in a European comparison. Sustainable, regional, local, fresh, typically Salzburg – this is what our farmers focus on and thereby produce healthy food for both locals and guests. Get your produce directly from the Salzburg farmers, the farmers' markets and farmers' shops.

Here, you will find numerous outlets

From farm sales and farmer’s shops
Sustainable, regional, local, typically Salzburg, fresh – this is what Salzburg’s farmers focus on and thereby offer farmer’s delicacies such as farmer’s bread, jams, fresh trout or even the finest Schnapps directly from the farm and in farmers’ shops.

Farmers’ Markets
Farmers’ markets are the ideal places to buy genuinely typical souvenirs! What all markets have in common is that there are only homemade products to buy and to taste – prepared with love and lovingly packed. From honey to jams, bread, fresh and filled cheese, oven-fresh pastries, bacon and sausages, mountain herbs and up to high-percentage drinks such as the exquisite Rowanberry Schnapps. The bright red Rowanberries of the Mountain Ash deliver the coveted Schnapps with its marzipan aroma and smoky accents. Craftsmen also present their guilds, some of which have become very rare. They show their skills while embroidering feathers, turning, shingle making or spinning, and thus initiate interested people into their arts. Farmers’ markets can be found at the numerous Bauernherbst events.

Here, you will find all sales direct from the farm and farmers’ shops

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