

Animal health you can taste

Premium quality in every taste and every bite

Harvest Festival enjoyment with Salzburg Milk

For many, SalzburgerLand is the epitome of a beautiful natural landscape with lush meadows and rustic alpine pastures. When it comes to conserving and preserving these resources and the local landscape, dairy farming plays an important role. Thanks to the sustainable management of our alpine pastures and meadows by our farmers, the characteristic Salzburg cultural landscape is maintained, protected and preserved. This also benefits the milk and thus also our premium Harvest Festival cheeses. Because juicy meadow grasses, spicy alpine herbs and valuable hay from SalzburgerLand not only taste particularly good to the cows, but also form the basis for our top-class Salzburg Milk products.

The milk’s taste and the cultivation of pastures are very closely related. These well-kept cultural landscapes also form the basis for tourism in Salzburg. The small-scale Salzburg Milk family farms have been family-run for generations. On average, less than 20 dairy cows live on each and the farmers know them very well, which means both a personal relationship with and individual care of the animals is possible. The work of the families is characterised by authenticity, personal commitment and closeness to the animals.

Pioneer of animal health

The health and well-being of dairy cows is of crucial importance and a major concern for our farmers and for Salzburg Milk. This is because only milk from cows assessed 100% on animal health parameters is of true premium quality and meets the strict criteria of our premium products.

  • Min. 120 days free range
  • Palm oil-free feeding
  • Small-scale farms
  • On average less than 20 dairy cows per farm
  • Personal human-animal relationship
  • Regular animal health checks

Salzburg Milk is the only dairy in Austria to work with the dairy farmers in developing a programme of measures for a seamless transition to combined farming. Since 1.1.2019, this means that all cows are kept free range or in open stalls and/or grazing for at least 120 days per year.

The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna developed a protocol for Salzburg Milk’s animal health initiative for the survey of animal welfare and animal health
of the approximately 2,600 milk suppliers to Salzburg Milk.

It takes into account both the physical and mental health of dairy cows and thus considers various aspects, such as good husbandry, good feeding, good health and species-appropriate behaviour.

Salzburg Milk products are also available directly in our milk shop:

Opening hours Milchladen Salzburg:
Mon– Fri from 6.30 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
Milchstraße 5
5020 Salzburg

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