Raiffeisen Salzburg

My Salzburg Bank

Raiffeisen Salzburg is the largest banking group in SalzburgerLand. The warehouses affiliated to the Raiffeisen Association are indispensable partners to Salzburg’s farmers.

Raiffeisen Salzburg: Partner of the Harvest Festival

More than 125 years of cooperative banking history – these are five generations in which our economic life has changed, but at the same time the classic values of successful, economic activity have emerged. In this exciting field between tradition and progress, Raiffeisen Salzburg occupies a firm place that has become an integral part of Salzburg’s economy. Especially in recent years, when the financial and economic crisis has kept humanity in suspense, bank customers have learned to appreciate values such as down-to-earthness, regional roots and orientation anew.

Harvest Festival as an important economic factor

The Salzburg Harvest Festival is a special experience for all lovers of customs and traditions. Guests from all over the world immerse themselves in the world of lived rural customs and get to know the products from SalzburgerLand up close. Here, farmers and innkeepers invite you to taste culinary delights and they take care of the physical well-being of the guests. The Harvest Festival hosts use local produce and work closely with regional farmers and producers. Thus, they not only have a significant share in the success of the Harvest Festival, but have also been strengthening regional cycles for many years. The Salzburg Harvest Festival hosts make a decisive contribution to securing jobs and added value in the regions. We at Raiffeisen Salzburg are also happy to take responsibility for our common environment. The Raiffeisen banks along with the warehouses in the city and the province of Salzburg, concentrate on their regions and align their business policy with the preservation and further development of domestic economic strength.

Harvest Festival success story

The sponsors and supporters of the Salzburg Harvest Festival are the farmers, the innkeepers, the tourism experts and Raiffeisen Salzburg as the main sponsor, and they know the county and know the people. We all like to take responsibility for this county and want to preserve what is valuable and what is local – familiarity and belonging, traditions and customs, support and a sense of community. The region can thus become a place of increased identity and thus counteract global uprooting. The innkeepers give the Harvest Festival a face which the many guests each year thank with their trust.

Contact and further information:
Raiffeisenverband Salzburg eGen
Schwarzstrasse 13-15
5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +43 662 88860

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