Despite the proximity to the city, Anthering has kept its rural charm. With a bit of sporty ambition and a bike, one can reach the old town along the Tauern cycle path beside the Salzach River. It’s also easy to reach the Mozart- and the Salzkammergut bike paths from Anthering.
In every season a trip the Anthering floodplain is worthwhile. Living in this natural reserve are Beaver, Deer and Fallow Deer and also Wild Boar cross the paths.
The funny Anthering swing path provides great fun for the children. Whoever moves from the “Wild Horse” to the “Pirate Boat”, does not realise how far the path actually is.
Even for culinary enthusiasts, Anthering has interesting things to offer.
In the freely accessible herb garden, around 350 different medicinal plants thrive over 1,000m².
Every Tuesday there is freshly baked bread in the Fuchsmühle in the village of Acharting. The special thing about it is that the flour is ground just how it was in grandfather’s time. The mill is classically driven by water power from the Achartinger stream.
On the table in Anthering you’ll also find Moor beer, Moor noodles, Moor bread and Moor pancakes! Yes, you read that correctly! Moor is really a wonderful and also edible natural resource. The basis for these creative culinary delights is the drinking Moor from the SonnenMoor Company in Anthering. It is served in the Ammerhauser**** Hotel.
By the way, the Ammerhauser**** Hotel has been awarded the Best Seminar Hotel in Austria. In a completely different setting, seminar guests are catered for just as professionally in the Hammerschmiede**** Hotel.