The history of St James’s Way
St James the Great, a disciple of Jesus and later apostle, came to Spain as a missionary. On his return in 44 AD, he was beheaded in Jerusalem. His body, so the legend goes, was taken to Spain in 614 AD, where his grave was forgotten. The grave was rediscovered only in the 9th Century! Since then, St James has been a national saint and patron of pilgrims.
The first mention of St James’s Way from the year 1047 already brings it into connection with his grave in Santiago de Compostela in Spain. The name Santiago is the local Galician evolution of Sancti Iacobi, “Saint James”. In the Middle Ages, his grave became a major goal of Christian pilgrimages besides Rome and Jerusalem. The Spanish major route was even listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1993.
The St James’s Way route
One might say that each journey begins with an idea – with the thought of taking on this pilgrimage. The trip must be planned and studied, with the knowledge of what lies ahead. Year after year, thousands of pilgrims embark on this special hike. And the road begins somewhere else for each and everyone, specifically exactly where each pilgrim decides to start the journey.
There are many St James’s Way routes across Europe. In the Middle Ages, the ‘main routes’ were established, those which include St James churches and chapels along the way. The historic St James’s Way routes have remained the same to this day besides small changes due to major transport routes. The common goal of all routes is the grave of St James in Santiago de Compostela in Spain.
St James’s Way in SalzburgerLand
The Salzburg route leads through the Salzburg Lake District into the city of Salzburg and continues to Grossgmain, Bad Reichenhall, Unken, Lofer and the Tyrolean border.

St James’s Way through SalzburgerLand
The route can be followed via these stages:
Oberhofen– Neumarkt – Henndorf – Eugendorf | 24km, approx. 6.5 hours Description/GPS Track |
Lengau – Lochen – Mattsee – Obertrum – Seekirchen – Eugendorf | 27 km, approx. 6.5 hours |
Eugendorf – Hallwang – Salzburg – Hinterreit/Großgmain | 29km, approx. 7.5 hours Description/GPS Track |
Hinterreit/Großgmain – Bad Reichenhall – Unken | 22.5km, approx. 6 hours Description/GPS Track |
Unken – Lofer (inkl. Abstecher nach Maria Kirchental) | 18km, approx. 5.5 hours Description/GPS Track |
Lofer – Waidring – Kirchdorf – St. Johann in Tirol | 26.5km, approx. 7 hours Description/GPS Track |
Accommodation along the way
Whoever is on the go the whole day welcomes the chance to stretch out their legs in the evening, to be served something good to eat and maybe also to share their experiences from that day with other like-minded people. Here you will find a list of all the accommodation along the way that receives pilgrims with open arms:
Frankenmarkt | Tourism Association Frankenmarkt Tel. +43 7684/625513 office@frankenmarkt.at www.frankenmarkt.eu |
Landhaus Schmid | Fornacherstrasse 23, Tel. +43 7684/6324 schmid@tvweb.at |
Gasthof Kogler | Hauptstrasse 122 Tel. +43 7684/6258 gasthof-kogler@aon.at www.gasthof-kogler.at |
Gasthof zur Post | Hauptstrasse 100 Tel. +43 7684/6271-0 gasthof.fimberger@aon.at www.gasthof-fimberger.at |
Gasthaus Weissl-Ober | Hauptstrasse 71 Tel. +43 7684/6356 |
Oberhofen | Tourism Association MondSeeLand Mondsee-Irrsee Tel. +43 6213/8215 und (0)680/2104752 oberhofen@mondsee.at www.oberoesterreich.at/oberhofen |
Privatzimmer Marianne Brodinger | Rabenschwand 81 Tel. +43 6213/8622 |
Privatzimmer Maria Endesgraber | Römerhof 13 Tel. +43 6213/8229 |
Privatzimmer Theresia Meindl | Salzweg 38 Tel. +43 6213/8596 |
Privatzimmer Franziska Schweigerer | Römerhof 100 Tel. +43 6213/8446 jedinger@aon.at www.jedingerhof.at/zimmer.htm |
Straßwalchen | Tourism Association Straßwalchen Tel. +43 6215/6420 info@strasswalchen.at www.strasswalchen.com |
Neumarkt am Wallersee | Tourism Association Neurmarkt am Wallersee Tel. +43 6216/6907 neumarkt@salzburger-seenland.at www.salzburger-seenland.at |
Greischbergerhof | Bauernschränke Fam. Greischberger Pfongau 7 Tel.+43 6216/6053 greischbergerhof@gmx.at www.greischbergerhof.at |
Henndorf am Wallersee | Tourism Association Henndorf am Wallersee Tel. +43 6214/6011 henndorf@salzburgerseenland.at www.henndorf-info.at www.salzburgerseenland.at |
Hofbauer | Fam. Schwaiger Fenning 16 Tel. +43 6214/7331 od. (0)664/5113272 elfi.schwaiger@gmx.at www.schwaiger.hofbauer.at |
Eugendorf | Tourism Association Eugendorf Tel. +43 6225/8424 info@eugendorf.com www.eugendorf.com |
Privatzimmer Aspacher | Johanna Aspacher Salzburgerstraße 53 Tel. +43 6225/7186 oder (0)664/3440140 urlaub@haus-aspacher.at |
Landgasthof Holznerwirt**** | Fam. Schönbauer Dorf 4 Tel. +43 6225/8205 hotel@holznerwirt.at www.holznerwirt.at |
Landhotel Gschirnwirt****‘ eigene Hauskapelle |
Fam. Schinagl Alte-Wiener-Str. 49 Tel. +43 6225/8229 schinagl@gschirn.at www.gschirn.at |
Landhotel Santner*** | Fam. Elsenwenger Alte-Wienerstr. 1 Tel. +43 6225/8214-0 salzburg@hotel-santner.at www.hotel-santner.at |
Gasthof Neuwirt *** | Fam. Hörl Dorf 16 Tel. +43 6225/8207 neuwirt@sbg.at |
Hallwang | Town Hall Hallwang Tel. +43 662/661957-0 office@hallwang.salzburg.at www.hallwang.salzburg.at |
Landgasthof Gut Kirchbichl**** | Fam. Zipperer Dorfstr. 22 Tel. +43 662/665900 kontakt@landgasthof-kirchbichl.at www.landgasthof-kirchbichl.at |
Bergheim | Tourism Association Bergheim Tel. +43 662/454505 info@bergheim-tourismus.at www.bergheim-tourismus.at |
Haus Monika | Fam. Streitfellner, Mattseer Landesstrasse 6 Tel +43 662/456644 www.bergheim-tourismus.at |
Hotel Gasthof Maria Plain **** | Fam. Moßhammer Plainbergweg 41 Tel. +43 662/450701 info@mariaplain.com www.mariaplain.com |
Salzburg | Tourism Salzburg Tel. +43 662/88987 tourist@salzburg.info www.salzburg.info |
St. Virgil Salzburg**** | Ernst-Grein-Strasse 14 Tel. +43 662/65901-0 rezeption@virgil.at www.virgil.at |
Hotel Hohenstauffen*** | Elisabethstr. 19 Tel. +43 662/877669 hohenstauffen@aon.at www.hotel-hohenstauffen.at |
Kolpinghaus Salzburg** | Adolf-Kolping-Strasse 10 Tel. +43 662/4661-0 info@kolpinghaus-salzburg.at www.kolpinghaus-salzburg.at |
Haus Wartenberg** | Johannes Wächter Riedenburgerstr. 2 Tel. +43 662/848400 hotel@hauswartenberg.com www.hauswartenberg.com |
Wals-Siezenheim | Tourism Association Wals-Siezenheim Tel. +43 662/851067 info@wals-siezenheim.com, www.wals-siezenheim.com |
Goiserwirt** | Fam. Berger Goiserstr. 31 Tel. +43 662/850567 pensiongois@yahoo.de |
Großgmain | Tourism Association Großgmain Tel. +43 6247/8278 mail@grossgmain.info www.grossgmain.info |
Hotel Kaiser Karl*** | Eva-Maria Zimmerebner Salzburgerstr. 55 Tel. +43 650/2021500 hotel.kaiser.karl@sbg.at www.hotel-kaiser-karl.at |
Hotel Vötterl*** | Fam. Vötterl Salzburger Straße 54 Tel. +43 6247 8203 info@voetterl.at www.voetterl.at |
Gasthof Steinerwirt*** | Gernot Harl Salzburgerstr. 25 Tel. +43 6247/7311 info@gasthof-steinerwirt.at, www.gasthof-steinerwirt.at |
Bad Reichenhall | Tourist-Info Bad Reichenhall Tel. +49 (0)8651/606-151 info@bad-reichenhall.de www.bad-reichenhall.de |
Hotel Garni Villa Rein*** | Fam. Rein Frühlingstr. 8 Tel. +49 (0)8651/3482 info@hotel-villa-rein.de www.hotel-villa-rein.de |
Diakonie Neuendettelsau Gästehaus Emmaus | Maximilianstr. 10 Tel. +49 (0)8651/7805-0 Haus.Emmaus@diakonieneuendettelsau.de www.haus-emmaus.de |
Gästehaus Mauerer | Ludwig-Thoma-Strasse 9 Tel. +49 (0)8651/5517 info@gaestehaus-mauerer.de gaestehaus-mauerer.de |
Pension Lex | Salzburgerstr. 42 Tel. +49 (0)8651/2147 kontakt@pensionlex.de www.pensionlex.de |
Avalon Hotel Bad Reichenhall*** | Bahnhofplatz 14 Tel. +49 (0)8651/763-0 info@avalon-hotel-badreichenhall.com www.avalon-hotel-badreichenhall.com |
Unken | Salzburger Saalachtal Tel. +43 6588/8321-0 info@lofer.com www.lofer.com |
Köstlerbauer | Fam. Lidicky Niederland 40 Tel. +43 6589/4292 koestlerbauer@gmx.net |
Privatzimmer Bauer | Fam. Bauer Niederland 27 Tel. +43 6589/4246 |
Landhotel Schütterbad**** | Fam. Pfaffenbichler Niederland 35 Tel. +43 6589/4296 info@schuetterbad.at www.schuetterbad.at |
Landhotel Kirchenwirt*** | Fam. Lerchner Niederland 3 Tel. +43 6589/4204 info@kirchenwirt-unken.at www.kirchenwirt-unken.at |
Haus Binderschuster, Privatzimmer | Claudia Leitinger Nr. 11 Tel. +43 699 172 354 36 binderschuster@sbg.at binderschuster.com |
Lofer | Salzburger Saalachtal, Lofer Tel. +43 6588/8321-0 info@lofer.com www.lofer.com |
Haus Edelweiß*** | Veronika Faistauer Nr. 109 Tel. +43 6588/8383 haus-edelweiss@lofer.net www.hausedelweiss.at |
Gasthof Bad Hochmoos*** | Fam. Schlechter Wildmoos 3 5092 St. Martin bei Lofer Tel. +43 6588/8226-0 http://www.hochmoos.at hochmoos@aon.at |
Waidring | Tourism Association PillerseeTal Tel. +43 5354/56304-30 waidring@pillerseetal.at www.pillerseetal.at |
Gasthof Strub*** | Martin Huber Strub 16 Tel. +43 5353/5222 info@strub.at www.strub.at |

© SalzburgerLand Tourismus – Pilgrim on St James’s Way
Important questions about St James’s Way
How is St James’s Way signposted?
Within SalzburgerLand, the route is uniformly identified with yellow signs showing the St James’s Way symbol.
Where does St James’s Way go in Salzburg?
Nearly 100km long hiking trails take pilgrims through SalzburgerLand. They pass the pilgrimage church of Maria Plain, cross through the city of Salzburg and enter Tyrol via Unken and Lofer.
How many days does one take to hike St James’s Way in Salzburg?
The route can be hiked in about 4 days.
Is the Way suitable for cyclists?
Around 90 percent of the distance can be travelled by (trekking) bike. Alternative routes for those parts that remain reserved for hikers are marked on the map above.
Do I need a pilgrim’s pass for St James’s Way in Salzburg?
A pilgrim’s pass is not required because there are no defined pilgrim hostels. Many pilgrims still highly value it, since they can identify themselves at parishes, for example, or use it to document their journey.
Where can I get a pilgrim’s pass?
Pilgrim’s passes, artistic postcards and souvenirs are available at the following places, for example:
- Jakobswege Tirol,
- Jakobusgemeinschaft Salzburg, or
- directly at Infopoint Kirche, Franziskanergasse 3, 5020 Salzburg, Ph +43 662 8047 2087 or +43 676 8746 2087, infopoint@kirchen.net (Tue – Fr 12 noon to 5 pm, Sat 10 am to 1 pm) www.infopoint-kirchen.at
Where do I get a stamp for my pilgrim’s pass?
You can get your pass stamped in the churches and pilgrim-friendly restaurants and accommodation facilities along St James’s Way.

© SalzburgerLand Tourismus – St James’s Way leads through the wonderful landscape of SalzburgerLand
Are there guided pilgrim tours or multi-day offers on the St James’s Way?
Yes, for those who don’t want to organise a pilgrimage tour themselves there is are guided tours organised by Angelika Wimmer. For information and registration email: angelikawimmer@gmail.com
You can also quite easily allow Eurohiketo organise a single tour anytime (8 days / 7 nights, from May to October).