A hiker’s paradise
Whoever has ever been out and about in the mountains of SalzburgerLand will be able to attest to the fact that walk here and you will discover breath-taking, enchanting and beautiful places that you would otherwise never have known existed. The locals have long understood the power and energy in their wake – stand and consider a glorious mountain or lake view to simply recharge your batteries and put things in perspective. Walking here is not just good for your physical strength; it’s also a balsam for your body, soul and spirit.
This area is a true paradise, offering up almost countless varieties of walks and activities. Perhaps you’d like to take a relaxed afternoon stroll in the Salzburg Lake District, a hike in the shadows of the Hochkönig massif, defeat some of the area’s highest peaks, or simply pass the day covering one of the district’s wonderful hiking trails. Maybe you’d like to sit outside a rustic mountain hut and watch the sun setting over the mountains, experience unrivalled hospitality in a family-run hotel, have your backpack transported from accommodation to accommodation or to be eased up the hill by a summer mountain lift. From traversing deep valleys, along streams and rivers, crossing dizzy mountain passes, over Alpine pastures and soft hills, through thick forests, observing rare plants and animals, there’s a wealth of possibilities waiting for you in SalzburgerLand. Here are some tips on how to make the most of your walking break in SalzburgerLand.
A perfect walking holiday in SalzburgerLand
The journey is the reward
Choose and plan your route wisely. Read up and plan well in advance of setting off, taking in to account what you want to experience, how long you wish to be underway and your level of fitness. You can get extensive information from Tourist Information outlets throughout the area, your hotel, guesthouse or hut landlords.

©TVB St. Martin – Various hiking options
Ensure that you have weather-appropriate and comfortable clothing, a rucksack big enough to fit everything in, comfortable shoes which won’t give you blisters after you’ve walked for a few miles.
The weather
Ensure that you’ve taken in the weather forecast before you leave, and ask locals for their opinion. There’s nothing worse than being caught out in a downpour of rain on the mountain and realising that the nearest shelter is over an hour away.
Walking companions
Different interests, walking abilities and levels of fitness can bring out the worst in the best of friends, so decide beforehand whether you really should set off together. If already on your way, remember that the group must always take the speed of the slowest walker.

© SalzburgerLand Tourismus, Foto Haidinger GmbH – hiking friends
Food and drink
Are you catering for yourself or stopping off at a hut? If you’re not bringing your own packed lunch then you should find out in advance whether the hut you intend to stop off at will be open.

©SalzburgerLand Tourismus – Traditional Austrian recipe Kasnocken
Safety in the mountains
Ensure that at all times you keep in mind the rules of conduct for safety in the mountains, full details to be found here.
Hut accommodation
If you want to experience an authentic SalzburgerLand Alpine summer you should definitely consider a rustic mountain hut holiday. Drink water from your own source, revel in the peace and quiet of the mountains, decorate the rooms with flowers you’ve picked yourself and sit under a starlit sky with your loved one. Regardless of whether you are staying for a week or just one night, in a remote dwelling or in the comfort of the Alpine mountain villages, a stay in an Alpine hut is one of the most wonderful experiences you can have in the mountains.
From self-catering huts where you can season your meals with herbs you find nearby to hosted huts with an authentic and intimate atmosphere to a luxury stay in an Alpine village, many of which have their own wellness and swimming facilities, you’ll want for nothing with the range of huts to be found in this area.