Art and culture
You'll be amazed at the wide range of cultural activities in Salzburg, especially when you compare what's on offer to other European towns of a similar size (about 150,000 inhabitants). But numerous theatres, museums and galleries throughout the province are open all year round. Get to know the cultural side of SalzburgerLand.
The city of Salzburg – the cultural highlight in SalzburgerLand
Salzburg has really made a name for itself with its summer, Easter and Whitsun Festivals. There’s always something going on thanks to the many orchestras, first-class stages and various theatre companies. Starting with the Mozart Week at the beginning of the year to the jazz festival in autumn through to Advent when you can visit traditional events and Advent concerts. The renowned Mozarteum regularly “supplies” the town with first-class musicians, many of whom remain loyal to the town after they have graduated. But you will not only find high culture in Salzburg. This city has a huge alternative art and music scene. From the SEAD – Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance to the Rockhouse through to small bars and stages where local musicians such as the Steaming Satellites or the Makemakes kicked off their careers.
Cultural highlights in SalzburgerLand
As soon as the snow has melted and the ski season is over, SalzburgerLand gets to show off its cultural side. Simply visit one of the fantastic events held throughout the state, such as those in Goldegg, the Gastein Valley, at Burg Golling, in Mattsee or in Saalfelden. Or experience culture up close during Alpine Summer in SalzburgerLand or the Bauernherbst harvest festival. People in SalzburgerLand enjoy life to the full, embracing both their traditions as well as the modern world.
Museums in the city and province of Salzburg
The museums in SalzburgerLand cover a wide range of subjects, ensuring there is something for everyone – from the very first settlement to modern art, from trips deep into the mountains to eagles flying over the Hohe Tauern mountain range. You’ll always be able to find some intellectual nourishment here, even during bad weather. And if you really want to understand SalzburgerLand, you should visit one of the local history museums where you can find out more about the economy, history and life in former times.
The SalzburgerLand Card gives you free or cheaper admission to a number of museums. Order your card online.
Home of great daughters and sons …
The most famous person to come from Salzburg is and will always be Mozart. But there are many other great names who have a connection to the city on the Salzach river or the province. Follow in the footsteps of Gruber and Mohr and their world-famous song Silent Night, stopping off at seven places in the state, while discovering SalzburgerLand on the way. Or go on one of the many tours and walks on The Sound of Music and the von Trapp family. Great writers such as Georg Trakl or Stefan Zweig also lived and worked in Salzburg.