Club culture in SalzburgerLand
You will find in almost every district whip cracking, riding, shooting and folklore clubs, which ensure that century old traditions do not die out. The ladies from the local folk society adorn their traditional costume for special church festivals and when taking part in parades. A special feature of this particular costume is the gold bonnet. The gold bonnet originally belonged to the colourful silk costume of merchants’ wives. This elaborately embroidered gold bonnet is today worn by married women to special church occasions as well as other festivals.
World Cultural Heritage
Local shooting clubs are often part of celebrations and processions in SalzburgerLand. This old tradition dating back to 1278 now has 108 clubs with 5,700 members. The Salzburger Festschützenwesen is now included on the UNESCO list of intangible World Cultural Heritage. The Dürrnberger Schwerttanz which formed over 500 years ago and is closely linked to the Salzburger salt and mining industry, has also received the same honour. Other traditional events on the UNESCO list include Ranggeln am hohen Hundstein, with the Kürung des Hogmoars, as well as the Gasteiner Perchten, the Samsontragen in Lungau and the “Aperschnalzen”. The “Aperschnalzen” is a more than 200-year-old custom in Rupertiwinkel and is practiced in several locations in Bavaria and Salzburg between 26th December (St Stephen’s day) and Fasching Tuesday (Shrove Tuesday). During this period, the “Passen” (groups of nine people), congregate to demonstrate their whip cracking skills. Children are also encouraged to take part in these club events.
Salzburger Landjugend
The Salzburger Rural Youth Association makes an important contribution to the preservation of regional customs and farming traditions. Founded after the Second World War, the Landjugend was known as a 4-H-Club. “Hand, heart and head for the homeland”, was the motto of the club which was aimed at educating the young farming community. In the 1950s the 4-H-Clubs were renamed “Landjugend”, and since that time, the Landjugend has been a youth organisation of the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry. The cultivation and continuation of regional customs and cultural development are promoted by ongoing training courses within the association. There are the possibilities to learn skills such as tailoring a Dirndl, compete in scythe competitions as well as present speeches and participate in debates. The rural youth groups also support the many elements of the Salzburger Bauernherbst.