Craftmanship and Traditions
Regional authentic craftwork. Craftsmen who have mastered their art and know all about the substance of the product. In SalzburgerLand craftworks that are near extinction are lovingly preserved in order to pass on to the next generation. Likewise, customs and traditions, especially within societies and local clubs are still maintained today.
Products which have been created with a love and tenderness, simply exude quality and you can just taste the origin.
Masters of the Craft
“Made in SalzburgerLand” – this quality seal can be found on many high-quality products and designs that originate from the county of Salzburg. There are many traditional costume manufacturers such as leading brand name Gössl, the dirndl manufacturer Ploom and the urban costume collection from Mirabell Plummer, all of which have their workshops and studios in the city or province of Salzburg. Only a few have become masters, who can still master the feather ball embroidery for the elaborate knapsack, but in St. Martin in the Tennengebirge, this over 200 year old craftsmanship is still perfected.
A Taste of the Homeland!
There are dozens of companies in SalzburgerLand offering uniquely tasting regional products such as the Stiegl brewery in the city of Salzburg, the schnapps distilleries of Bartl Enn from Hinterglemm and Sigi Herzog from Maishofen, along with Walter Trausner, the inventor of Enzian Syrup and the chocolatier, Hubert Berger from Lofer. There are also many smaller establishments that sell produce such as bacon, cheese, butter and marmalades at the many weekly farmers’ and harvest festival markets, which are all part of the variety of tastes on offer in SalzburgerLand.
Customs and Traditions
The old customs and traditions of SalzburgerLand are still alive and well today. Dirndls and lederhosen are worn with pride by young and old alike and display a connectedness to one’s home. It doesn’t warrant a special occasion to wear these traditional costumes, which can also be worn on an everyday basis. Local clubs and societies often have their own special costumes, such as the rifle club, folk dancing groups and the local village band which keep these old traditions and customs alive.
Typical Salzburger
Coming face to face with a giant on the streets of Lungau is nothing extraordinary, as Samson is a legendary figure often seen at traditional festivals. In the Altstadt Salzburg, it is not unusual to see a group of lads jump into a barrel of water on the day they become fully qualified butchers. The “Hogmoa”, the winner of the stone wrestling, is held in high regard at the annually held wrestling festival at Jakobi time. And the goal-oriented shooters at the Prebersee who shoot into the water, instead of shooting at the target to win victory – this is probably the only one of it’s kind here in SalzburgerLand.