Getting there
With good planning, the journey itself into SalzburgerLand becomes a relaxed part of the holiday.
Depending on where you are travelling to and how you want to spend your holiday, there are multiple opportunities to easily get to SalzburgerLand.
Arriving by car
For those arriving by car, the Freeways bring you from all over to almost every holiday region you could need.
- A10: coming from the south
- A1: coming from eastern Austria
- A8: coming from munich
And for those who would like to see a bit more of the beauty of SalzburgerLand, take one of the Panorama Roads.
- Postalm Street in Abtenau
- Großglockner High Alpine Route
- Gastein Alpine Route
- Bad Dürrnberg – Roßfeldstraße
- Mühlbach- Mandlwandstraße
- Krimml – Gerlos
- Rauris – Kolm Saigurn
- St. Martin bei Lofer- Maria Kirchental
Tip: Make sure you check the current traffic situation before travelling.
For your safety
Vignette obligation: Further information on the compulsory vignette on Austria´s motorway´s
Arriving by train
Arrive totally relaxed with the train. Here too, there are comfortable connections from many European cities to Salzburg, Gastein and Zell am See. When you arrive at the target train station, use one of the Pick-Up services from the hotels.
Arriving by plane
If arriving by car or train will take too long, there are many attractive flight connections from European cities available.