Many of the varied leisure activities in and around Golling have to do with water. If you are coming via the motorway, from the main county city of Salzburg just 25 km away, the first thing to catch your eye will be the big blue tube slide of Aqua Salza. Not only children feel at home in this family spa. Adults can enjoy the relaxing sauna and beauty world.
Several degrees colder are the plunging waters of the Gollinger waterfall, in the Torren district, which cascade down two levels and over an impressive 75 metres. One can walk alongside the waterfall over many steps to reach the source of the waterfall. An impressive natural spectacle!
©TVB Golling – Gollinger Waterfall
The Salzachöfen are no less spectacular. Especially, when zip-lining down through the gorge with the Flying Fox, with the wind rushing around your ears and observing the spectacular natural beauty from above. Feel the Salzachöfen experience here
In the Bluntautal Nature Reserve it is more relaxing. The mountain peaks are reflected in the crystal clear waters of the Torrener Ache and Trout abound in the deep green lake.
And it’s these Trout which end up on the table in the Döllerer gourmet restaurant. This combined with Head Chef Andreas Döllerer’s Alpine cuisine experiments, creates outstanding taste experiences. Further information on Döllerers creative Alpine cuisine
Almost opposite the restaurant is the way to the Golling Castle. During the Golling Castle Festival in summer, its courtyard hosts atmospheric concerts and readings.
Insider’s Tip: on the second floor of Golling Castle Museum there is Austria’s second largest watch exhibition. Richly decorated pocket watches, alarm clocks, grandfather clocks, and even a church tower clock tick here around the clock.

©TVB Golling – Golling Castle Museum
The Seasons Trail was recently built in the Egelsee recreation area for children and the whole family to discover the forest and nature in a playful way.