
Here´s what you can win!

The Harvest Festival travels around the world

Exciting prizes from our Harvest Festival partners await the winners and all those who voted diligently.

Did you submit as indivdual or a couple?

  1. First Place: Vacation for 2 people, for 2 nights including breakfast at a 4-star hotel in Rauris valley in the Hohe Tauern National Park, as well as two SalzburgerLand Cards
  2. Second Place: Gössl shopping voucher worth €200,–
  3. Third Place: Voucher from Raiffeisen Salzburg worth €150,–

Did vou submit as a group?

  1. First Place: SalzburgMilch shopping voucher for the SalzburgMilch-Milchladen worth €200,–
  2. Second Place: Stiegl Private Brewery voucher for 5 cases of Stiegl-Bauernherbst-Herbstgold
  3. Third Place: Voucher for the Salzburger Lagerhäuser worth €100,–

Groups of 3 or more people

Did you vote?

Among all who cast their vote in the online voting, we will raffle:

  • 3 x SalzburgerLand backpacks filled with goodies from Raiffeisen Salzburg
  • 5 x SalzburgerLand water bottles

CONVINCED! SUBMIT NOW and then vote, vote, vote


SalzburgerLand Tourismus GmbH - Bauernherbst
+43 662 6688-0
Wiener Bundesstraße 23
5300 Hallwang

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