What should I do if I feel sick?
If you, fellow passengers or children suffer from Corona symptoms (fever, dry cough, joint pain, sore throat, shortness of breath or loss of sense of taste or smell), please call the health hotline 1450 to further clarify the symptoms.
In any case, please stay in your room until further clarification. If you need help, please inform your host company, who can take further steps for you.
How do I identify symptoms of the Corona Virus infection?
A Corona Virus infection usually shows with mild symptoms of a common cold. Common signs of infection include, among others, a fever, cough, shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing. In more severe cases, however, the infection can also cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.
How do I behave if I suspect an infection?
In this case, please contact the Austrian-wide health advice directly and exclusively by telephone on the number 1450. Be sure to avoid public spaces, do not visit a doctor’s office or use public transport.
Corona Virus (c)Land Salzburg
Where do we have to wear a face mask?
Indoor an FFP2 mask (or equivalent or higher-quality mask)must be worn.
Exceptions for wearing an FFP2 or mouth&nose mask are valid for:
- deaf and hard of hearing people as well as their communication partner during the communication
- children up to 6 years of age
- children from 6 to 14 years or age may wear a close-fitting mouth&nose mask instead of an FFP2 mask
- people who cannot wear an FFP2 mask for serious health reasons (official Doctor’s confirmation required)
- pregnant ladies, who can wear a close-fitting mouth&nose mask instead
Where can I find up-to-date information on the Corona Virus in Austria and in SalzburgerLand?
The Austrian Ministry of Health provides information on the current situation in Austria on its website as well as the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism on its official Coronavirus information page. The Austrian Advertising has also prepared all important information clearly for you.
Regional information is provided by the State of Salzburg on its Corona information page.
What is the current situation at my holiday resort?
The “Corona traffic light” of the Austrian Ministry of Health gives an overview of the current epidemiological situation in the individual districts in Austria.
The assessment is the responsibility of a Corona Commission, which meets once a week and makes an assessment of the current situation on a four-stage colour scale.
- Red: very high risk. Acute numerous outbreaks, large-scale spread
- Orange: high risk. Accumulation of cases, no longer predominantly attributable to clusters
- Yellow: medium risk. Moderate cases known to be originating and spreading (= mainly in clusters)
- Green: low risk. Individual cases, isolated clusters
On the Corona traffic light homepage of the Ministry of Health you will find the current traffic light map incl. classification of regions and districts in SalzburgerLand.