Thorsten and Marius from the Best Mountain Artists are real outdoor professionals – ideally, they like to be out all day in the fresh air. Therefore, after a few hours of E-Mountain Biking in the morning, they attacked the hike in the afternoon together with mountain guide Georg, from the Mountain Mystics, to the Riemann House.

© SalzburgerLand Tourismus, Fräulein Floras Favourite Hangouts – Thorsten and Marius on their way to the Riemann House
Dream Tour
The bloggers found the tour to the Riemann House exciting and impressive. The way goes first over serpentines and then through a lush green meadow. It goes on and on through the forest and when it leaves, the view of the rocky edges of the mountains opens up. Now at least, you really have to watch your step – a head for heights and sure footing are essential on this hike! The climb is especially worth it in this case – the weather cooperates and the Steinberge Mountains and the surrounding peaks gleam in their most beautiful colours.
The climb to the Riemann House is no longer a real hike. You must admit that it is an Alpine climb. There are very many rope backups where you can just get this experience of being on the middle of the rock and yet still perfectly secure.- Thorsten

© SalzburgerLand Tourismus, Fräulein Floras Favourite Hangouts – Stairway to heaven in Saalfelden-Leogang
Summit pleasure in the Riemann House
After the three and a half hour tour, the group reach the long-awaited goal – the Riemann House at 2,177 metres above sea level, which is perched on the Ramseider gap between the neighbouring mountains of Sommerstein and Breithorn. From there, the Steinerne Meer displays its full glory to the bloggers. It was a long day for Thorsten and Marius. Once they stop, a top-up is the order of the day. The Best Mountain Artists review the day and rest in the dormitory of the Riemann House until the next day. Then, they continue on to the Peter-Wiechenthaler hut whereby this tour is only possible when well rested.

© SalzburgerLand Tourismus, Fräulein Floras Favourite Hangouts – Short break on the way to Riemann House
Hike to Riemann House – tips from the pros
- Plan enough time! The hike to the Riemann House takes at least half the day.
- Take note of the weather forecast! No-one likes to be surprised by lightning, thunder or rain on the mountain. Once you’re on the middle of the mountain, it is not possible to quickly turn around.
- Ensure you have very good footwear. This is not a leisurely hike on the local mountain. Sure-footedness is our first priority!
- Remember to take energy food and drinks and to pack enough liquid. This hike may take slightly longer, as already said.
For me, the best part of the weekend was the ascent to the Riemann House and the multifaceted Saalfelden-Leogang. “On one day an E-Bike tour through the meadows, the Alm and in the Grass Mountains, and on the next day here we are on the Steinernen Meer Mountain between the clouds at the Riemann House – this is just such a great experience. – Thorsten

© SalzburgerLand Tourismus, Fräulein Floras Favourite Hangouts – The Steinberg Mountains