The Silent Night Association was founded in 1972 and is a charitable organisation. The focus of the Silent Night Association’s work is:
- research on the creation and dissemination of the song,
- the transmission of its origins and message and
- the networking of the entire Silent Night region, consisting of towns and villages in the provinces of SalzburgerLand, Upper Austria, Tyrol and Bavaria: They all relate to the song and to the lives of Joseph Mohr and Franz Xaver Gruber in different ways — as the places where the song was created and from where it spread into the world and also as the domiciles of the two authors.
Next to the 13 main municipalities in the Silent Night region, the Silent Night Association has members across all continents.
Among the association’s activities are the responsibility to congregate a solid, factual framework and to release authentic information with the help of their publications, in print and in increasingly digital form. The www.stillenacht.at website (also available in English and Italian) has become the Silent Night region’s online hub.
In regards to the “Silent Night! Holy Night!” anniversary year in 2018, the association was particularly concerned with collecting and providing authentic information as well as cross-border coordination: It was just as eager to qualify cultural disseminators (with the introductory course “Transmitting Silent Night”) as it was to get the song listed by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Stille Nacht Assocation
Stille-Nacht-Platz 2
A-5110 Oberndorf bei Salzburg
+43 660 2412200