Organic Paradise SalzburgerLand

What is Organic?

Eating Organic in SalzburgerLand

Organic tastes and does you good. The sustainable use of nature and its resources is self-evident for the organic farmers in SalzburgerLand and one can taste that.

With fresh ingredients from organic farming, it simply tastes the best…

The sustainably working farmers in SalzburgerLand keep their word by working with what nature has provided. Here, both the land and the animals are always in the foreground. Organic farming means going back to the origins and the respectful dealing with animals & land. The passion with which Salzburg’s organic farmers go to work is unique.

Organic Paradise SalzburgerLand: Experience and enjoy

Holiday and organic are inextricably linked in SalzburgerLand and this can also be seen everywhere. Selected initiatives delight guests and locals alike with wonderful organic pleasures and the invitation to experience organic farming close-up. All businesses in the SalzburgerLand Organic Paradise are certified and tested by Bio-Austria, the umbrella organisation for organic farming in Austria.

Blue Butterfly – Salzburger Organic Breakfast

Whoever finds the Blue Butterfly symbol knows that this host partner serves a delicious Salzburger Organic Breakfast using organic ingredients from organic farmers and producers.

Hotels 3 & 4 Star



Green Butterfly – all-day organic dining

The Green Butterfly in selected addresses stands for all-day organic dining.

Hotels 3 & 4 Star


Orange Butterfly – 100 percent organic produce

Whoever finds the Orange Butterfly can be sure that this host partner pampers their guests with 100 percent organic delicacies, ideally in season and locally produced.

Hotels 3 & 4 Star



Look at the organic show farm

On show farms, visitors can experience first-hand the harmonious everyday life on an organic farm. 29 organic farms open their doors and gates and invite guests to ask questions, to discover and to join in. Not only the little organic fans find this time out on the organic farm an exciting experience, but also the big ones get stuck in and when the work is finished, the organic food served in front of the house tastes even better. Especially, when the old farmer tells his stories of yesteryear and knows to report: “actually we have always worked this way” Today it’s called organic but for us it has always gone without saying.” The authenticity and the joy of working is ever present here. However, that is not enough. Whoever wants to be a real organic farmer in the Salzburger Organic Paradise, must meet the strict certification criteria of the Bio-Austria.

Tauern rye, mountain cheese and more

On a Farmhouse Holiday you can just taste it when the breakfast egg comes from happy hens and when milk comes from cows whose summer residence is the lush green pastures high above SalzburgerLand. Also, when the Tauern rye bread is made from a traditional recipe and comes straight from the wood-fired oven. This is when you know why organic does so good. Regional products are also served in the selected organic hotels and organic restaurants.

Organic cooking

On an Organic Farmhouse Holiday, your hosts serve fine delicacies. For all those who want to take the fine ideas home with them, there are the organic recipes. Some organic farmers invite you to get involved and show how the organic food is best prepared in the kitchen. The close collaboration of producers and chefs is one of the secrets behind the pleasure in SalzburgerLand. This co-operation is characterised by exchanging ideas and the development of mutual support and requests. When the ingredients for the wonderful dishes come from sustainable farming, then this is even better.

Pioneering role in Europe

In terms of organic farming, the organic farmers in SalzburgerLand are true pioneers and this is confirmed by the current agricultural structure survey by the Austrian Ministry of Life. Overall, the proportion of organic farms throughout Austria is at around 18%. In SalzburgerLand in comparison, over 50% of the agricultural land is cultivated organically. Almost every second farm is organically run and with this organic proportion, SalzburgerLand can really call itself a true organic paradise. The Salzburger organic farmers’ passion, responsibility and their love of sustainable action has brought them to rank first in Europe in terms of organic farming. The Organic Paradise SalzburgerLand stands for honest tourism, gentle handling of the nature’s precious treasures and deep attachment to both people and animals.

Frisches Brot in Händen

© SalzburgerLand Tourismus – fresh farm bread from Roswitha Huber

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